Bring your soil to the 21st century with 1.5billion years of nature’s research and development. Replenish the missing elements of your soil’s food web and see your plants flourish. This is the first soil food web product on the market that fills the void of the missing fungi in the soil.


It’s time to put it all on its head. This product will complement your efforts and allow you to build natural soil fertility faster. Fungi are the tiny miners of the soil. With their acid tips they bore through rock to pick up minerals which your plants couldn’t get to. Once you have them in your soil, your plants will have access to more resources than before. The tomatoes below have been planted in play sand from B&Q. The ones on the right received only water. The ones on the left received The Goop.

We invested in a large batch of goop because we planted a 400 tree shelterbelt in very sad looking soil in an extremely exposed spot. In the first year we were delighted and surprised to only lose 10% of the trees, which was impressive and we put it down to Daniel’s product. Ordinarily we may well have lost 30%. We are also grateful that he shares his knowledge and encourages shared learning at his weekly online gatherings.


Having just moved to a new property that had been regularly sprayed, I wanted to add biology back to the soil before growing. Soil Smiths were recommended by a Soil Food Web graduate and after an initial enquiry, where they gave me some great advice for preparing the land, I decided to take the plunge and buy a litre of Goop to spray on 0.25acres before creating veg beds. I haven’t tested the soil under a microscope, but I don’t think I need to! The proof was in the pudding! Not only have I had good strong growth but I am yet to have any pest damage. I will now be spraying more Goop on our fruit trees and borders.



The Goop allows you to easily add beneficial microbes in four different stages of building soil health:

Potting soil mix. You’ve balanced all the elements in your potting mix. Now let the biology in The Goop ensure every element is used to its fullest potential.

Applying to grow beds. Just mix with water and spray it on or water it in. Enjoy the same easy way of applying this product to your growing medium as with synthetic amendments in the past.

Seed inoculation. Ensure the roots of your plants are well supplied with nutrition from the soil. Coating the seeds with The Goop prior to sowing your plant will give it the best possible start.

Applying to maturing compost or worm bins. Having fungi in your compost can be the difference between adding a bit of organic matter to your soil and completely changing how you grow plants.

The goop and biologically complete compost are both excellent products that have helped my plants to grow more healthily. The support and advice given by the team to explain the results from the bio-assays and how to make positive  changes to my gardening practices has been excellent.



Want to just grow veggies? Use the product diluted. Need to help your favourite apple tree? Inject a higher concentration directly into the root zone. Different plants need different amounts of fungi to control the type of nutrients they are getting. Now finally you can help.

I really liked the concept of the goop and I recommended you to my friends. All of us who used it came out with brilliant results. I will be honest and say that there were a number of different products tried and so without a true control it is hard to say how much benefit it gave by itself, however the soil health only improved after applying the goop and plants gave a positive reaction to it. My latest purchase has been Welsh worms vermicompost and so I have my eyes out for what soilsmith bring to market in the near future to keep trying out the latest and greatest growing ideas.



Bring peace of mind to your gardening. The diverse microbes in The Goop will help your plants fend off disease and pests. Healthy plants produce more sugars and proteins which are not palatable to the liverless insects. They will help keep your soil aerobic and produce compounds that will help outcompete disease.

Goop is Great. I loved microbes, and then I bought some goop and I was introduced to soooo many microbes I didn’t know what to do with myself. There’s compost nerds and then there’s compost nerds, and I’d put myself in the latter category. And I can tell you, this stuff is the real deal, no BS.



Just mix into water and apply

The Goop is a water based product, and so it readily dissolves in it. You can put it diluted into a backpack sprayer, a  root injector or a watering can. Just stir it in and you’re ready to go.

It’s like compost but without the wait

To get this level of fungi you would need to wait for two years for your leaf mould to break down. Woodchip may take years. Why wait? Just use The Goop and save yourself some time.

Supercharge your compost

But wait! You are an avid compost maker! Compost is not just about returning valuable nutrients to the soil. It’s a bio-incubator, and so what you put in your compost will have a chance to multiply. Why not start with a star microbe mix and let them flourish. Your compost will be all better for it.

I used The Goop in a domestic garden situation on my herbaceous borders, bog garden, woodland area, roses, shrubs and trees and the growth rate and health of my garden showed a marked improvement.  I used a 200ml tub of The Goop on my front and back garden covering an area of about 150m2. To give some idea of my location and soil type, I am situated in the south of England in West Sussex about a mile from the sea.  My soil is mostly PH7 and is very free draining, however, there are a couple of areas where the PH is 5.5 – 6, which is near 2 very large Western Red Cedar trees.  After using The Goop I experienced less mildew on my perennials, especially my phlox and helianthus, which in previous years were covered in mildew.  I also noticed that for the first time in 6 years my peony had more than the one flower, in fact 9 flowers, amazing!  I do not use any other chemicals on my garden.

I was introduced to The Goop by garden designer Bunny Guinness on her Youtube channel, who I know has had great success with The Goop on her vegetable plot.  Daniel always keeps me up to date with the latest news and research and all the information about his products are on his website Soilsmiths or on LinkedIn.  Happy Gardening.



As a demonstration of how well plants perform when using Goop, the results from in-depth analysis carried out by Silke Gebauer of Living Soil Matters speak for themselves. Silke tested Goop on radishes and the results have shown that yield increases were ‘consistent and huge’.

Living Soil Matters found that adding Goop to generic compost adds not only diversity but also high numbers of microbes, such as protozoa, nematodes and fungi, that are generally not found in home compost heaps, garden soils or in many commercially produced composts. Silke writes that these microbes, ‘…create a living web of interconnections in the soil. One of the effects is that nutrients become available for plants in an on-demand, just-in-time fashion and in greater diversity than any chemical fertilizer could ever provide resulting in healthier roots and plants.’


Whilst the radishes were still in the ground, Silke didn’t record any particular difference in appearance between those that had been nourished with Goop and those that hadn’t.

However, when the radishes were harvested, Silke notes, ‘What surprised me was the different ratio of the roots/leaves biomass in both planters and this is where the Goop radishes outperformed beyond my expectations. On average, the total weight of the roots i.e. the radishes themselves grown with Goop was 55% higher than the radishes grown in compost only. ‘

We are delighted with the five-star rating Living Soil Matters awarded to The Goop!

For the full article, including details of how the experiment was prepared, click here.

I have found the Goop to be a convenient and effective product to inoculate a growing medium with microbes. I was surprised how little it took to cause a huge increase in yield in a controlled radish trial. Highly recommended for its convenience, efficiency and content – I don’t know of any other source of such microbial diversity in one go.



Here you will find some answers to questions we are often asked. If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact us via the button below.

We are organic farmers and have been keen to boost our soil structure and natural nutrient cycling by enhancing our soil biology. Our research into the soil food web brought is to the Soil Ecology Lab. We have used both the Goop and Compost and both are full of beneficial biology, which is so often not the case with other products on the market. Thank you for helping us heal our soil!


What’s in The Goop?

It’s a concentrate of an extract from biologically rich compost. We grow the biology with constant monitoring using our microscopes. We look for four groups of microbes: bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. Because most compost that you would normally use already has bacteria and some protozoa, we focus on providing the missing elements – fungi and nematodes.

Is it shelf stable?

No, but there is a way to extend its shelf life to about a month. Keep it in the fridge and give it a stir once a day. This will introduce oxygen which keeps the aerobic organisms alive.

Can I use it with fungicides?

That would be a no. These substances kill all fungi, the bad guys and the good guys. Instead consider preparing your own compost teas. Adding a little goop to the mix will help fend off the moulds from establishing on your plants.

What is the application rate?

We don’t yet have the rates dialed in, but we would advise to start with 200ml of goop per 1m3 of growing medium, or spray diluted to 10m2 of garden beds. To give you some perspective, in an agricultural context we use as little as 1.4ml of goop per m2, and we apply 5 to 6 times a year.

Is it safe for my plants?

Yes. Because the microbes are grown during a composting process, all materials go through an elevated temperature cycle (55 – 70deg C) at least three times. This prevents plant pathogens and weed seeds from surviving.

Will it speed up making my compost?

It won’t necessarily speed up the decomposition process, but the microbes may take residence in your compost and proliferate. If the conditions in your compost are aerobic and not too hot, you will be able to increase the amount of beneficial microbes from the Goop.

Do you accept returns?

Yes, if for any reason you wish to return the product, we will happily refund you the full amount. No questions asked. Or perhaps we will ask a question or two, but this is only to improve our service and product.

Can I apply it when it rains?

Yes, it’s much better than applying it when it’s dry. These are soil borne microbes, and they like water and darkness. It helps them survive and establish.Yes, if for any reason you wish to return the product, we will happily refund you the full amount. No questions asked. Or perhaps we will ask a question or two, but this is only to improve our service and product.